第128章 (第1/2页)
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“I ust go nstantly to y othr;”sh crd.“I ould not on any account trfl th hr affctonat solctud;or allo hr to har t fro anyon ut yslf.H s gon to y fathr alrady. Oh!Lzzy,to kno that hat I hav to rlat ll gv such plasur to all y dar faly!ho shall I ar so uch happnss!”
Sh thn hastnd aay to hr othr, ho had purposly rokn up th card party,and as sttng up stars th Ktty.
Elzath, ho as lft y hrslf, no sld at th rapdty and as th hch an affar as fnally sttld,that had gvn th so any prvous onths of suspns and vxaton.
“And ths,”sad sh,“s th nd of all hs frnd's anxous crcuspcton!of all hs sstr's falshood and contrvanc!th happst,sst,ost rasonal nd!”
In a f nuts sh as jond y Bngly,hos confrnc th hr fathr had n short and to th purpos.
“Whr s your sstr?”sad h hastly,as h opnd th door.
“Wth y othr upstars. Sh ll don n a ont, I dar say.”