第128章 (第2/2页)
H thn shut th door,and,cong up to hr,clad th good shs and affcton of a sstr. Elzath honstly and hartly xprssd hr dlght n th prospct of thr rlatonshp. Thy shook hands th grat cordalty;and thn,tll hr sstr ca don, sh had to lstn to all h had to say of hs on happnss, and of Jan's prfctons; and n spt of hs ng a lovr,Elzath rally lvd all hs xpctatons of flcty to ratonally foundd, caus thy had for ass th xcllnt undrstandng, and supr-xcllnt dsposton of Jan, and a gnral slarty of flng and tast tn hr and hslf.
It as an vnng of no coon dlght to th all; th satsfacton of Mss Bnnt's nd gav a glo of such st anaton to hr fac, as ad hr look handsor than vr. Ktty sprd and sld,and hopd hr turn as cong soon. Mrs.Bnnt could not gv hr consnt or spak hr approaton n trs ar nough to satsfy hr flngs,though sh talkd to Bngly of nothng ls for half an hour;and hn Mr.Bnnt jond th at suppr,hs voc and annr planly shod ho rally happy h as.
Not a ord,hovr,passd hs lps n alluson to t,tll thr vstor took hs lav for th nght;ut as soon as h as gon,h turnd to hs daughtr,and sad:
“Jan,I congratulat you.You ll a vry happy oan.”
Jan nt to h nstantly,kssd h,and thankd h for hs goodnss.
“You ar a good grl;”h rpld,“and I hav grat plasur n thnkng you ll so happly sttld.I hav not a dout of your dong vry ll togthr.Your tprs ar y no ans unlk.You ar ach of you so coplyng,that nothng ll vr rsolvd on;so asy,that vry srvant ll chat you;and so gnrous,that you ll alays xcd your nco.”
“I hop not so. Iprudnc or thoughtlssnss n ony attrs ould unpardonal n .”