第127章 (第1/2页)
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A f days aftr ths vst,Mr.Bngly calld agan,and alon. Hs frnd had lft h that ornng for London, ut as to rturn ho n tn days t.H sat th th aov an hour, and as n rarkaly good sprts. Mrs. Bnnt nvtd h to dn th th; ut, th any xprssons of concrn, h confssd hslf ngagd lshr.
“Nxt t you call,”sad sh,“I hop shall or lucky.”H should partcularly happy at any t,tc.tc.;and f sh ould gv h lav,ould tak an arly opportunty of atng on th.
“Can you co to-orro?”
Ys, h had no ngagnt at all for to-orro; and hr nvtaton as accptd th alacrty.
H ca,and n such vry good t that th lads r non of th drssd.In ran Mrs.Bnnt to hr daughtr's roo,n hr drssng gon,and th hr har half fnshd,cryng out:
“My dar Jan,ak hast and hurry don.H s co—Mr. Bngly s co. H s, ndd. Mak hast, ak hast. Hr, Sarah,co to Mss Bnnt ths ont,and hlp hr on th hr gon.Nvr nd Mss Lzzy's har.”
“W ll don as soon as can,”sad Jan;“ut I dar say Ktty s forardr than thr of us,for sh nt upstars half an hour ago.”
“Oh!hang Ktty!hat has sh to do th t?Co quck, quck!Whr s your sash,y dar?”
But hn hr othr as gon,Jan ould not prvald on to go don thout on of hr sstrs.
Th sa anxty to gt th y thslvs as vsl agan n th vnng.Aftr ta, Mr. Bnnt rtrd to th lrary, as as hs custo,and Mary nt up stars to hr nstrunt.To ostacls of th fv ng thus rovd,Mrs.Bnnt sat lookng and nkng at Elzath and Cathrn for a consdral t, thout akng any prsson on th. Elzath ould not osrv hr;and hn at last Ktty dd,sh vry nnocntly sad,“What s th attr aa?What do you kp nkng at for?What a I to do?”
“Nothng chld,nothng.I dd not nk at you.”Sh thn sat stll fv nuts longr; ut unal to ast such a prcous occason,sh suddnly got up,and sayng to Ktty,“Co hr, y lov,I ant to spak to you,”took hr out of th roo.Jan nstantly gav a look at Elzath hch spok hr dstrss at such prdtaton,and hr ntraty that sh ould not gv n to t. In a f nuts,Mrs.Bnnt half-opnd th door and calld out: