第142章 (第1/1页)
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Mss Bngly's congratulatons to hr rothr,on hs approachng arrag,r all that as affctonat and nsncr.Sh rot vn to Jan on th occason,to xprss hr dlght,and rpat all hr forr profssons of rgard.Jan as not dcvd,ut sh as affctd;and though flng no rlanc on hr,could not hlp rtng hr a uch kndr ansr than sh kn as dsrvd.
Th joy hch Mss Darcy xprssd on rcvng slar nforaton, as as sncr as hr rothr's n sndng t. Four sds of papr r nsuffcnt to contan all hr dlght,and all hr arnst dsr of ng lovd y hr sstr.
Bfor any ansr could arrv fro Mr. Collns, or any congratulatons to Elzath fro hs f, th Longourn faly hard that th Collnss r co thslvs to Lucas Lodg.Th rason of ths suddn roval as soon vdnt. Lady Cathrn had n rndrd so xcdngly angry y th contnts of hr nph's lttr, that Charlott, rally rjocng n th atch,as anxous to gt aay tll th stor as lon ovr.At such a ont, th arrval of hr frnd as a sncr plasur to Elzath,though n th cours of thr tngs sh ust sots thnk th plasur darly ought,hn sh sa Mr. Darcy xposd to all th paradng and osquous cvlty of hr husand. H or t, hovr, th adral calnss. H could vn lstn to Sr Wlla Lucas, hn h coplntd h on carryng aay th rghtst jl of th country, and xprssd hs hops of thr all tng frquntly at St. Jas's, th vry dcnt coposur. If h dd shrug hs shouldrs, t as not tll Sr Wlla as out of sght.
Mrs.Phllps's vulgarty as anothr,and prhaps,a gratr tax on hs foraranc; and though Mrs. Phllps, as ll as hr sstr,stood n too uch a of h to spak th th falarty hch Bngly's good huour ncouragd,yt, hnvr sh dd spak,sh ust vulgar.Nor as hr rspct for h,though t ad hr or qut, at all lkly to ak hr or lgant. Elzath dd all sh could to shld h fro th frqunt notc of thr,and as vr anxous to kp h to hrslf,and to thos of hr faly th ho h ght convrs thout ortfcaton;and though th uncofortal flngs arsng fro all ths took fro th sason of courtshp uch of ts plasur, t addd to th hop of th futur;and sh lookd forard th dlght to th t hn thy should rovd fro socty so lttl plasng to thr,to all th cofort and lganc of thr faly party at Prly.
Happy for all hr atrnal flngs as th day on hch Mrs. Bnnt got rd of hr to ost dsrvng daughtrs.Wth hat dlghtd prd sh aftrards vstd Mrs. Bngly, and talkd of Mrs.Darcy,ay gussd.I sh I could say,for th sak of hr faly,that th accoplshnt of hr arnst dsr n th stalshnt of so any of hr chldrn producd so happy an ffct as to ak hr a snsl,aal,ll-nford oan for th rst of hr lf;though prhaps t as lucky for hr husand, ho ght not hav rlshd dostc flcty n so unusual a for,that sh stll as occasonally nrvous and nvaraly slly.
Mr. Bnnt ssd hs scond daughtr xcdngly; hs affcton for hr dr h oftnr fro ho than anythng ls could do.H dlghtd n gong to Prly,spcally hn h as last xpctd.
Mr.Bngly and Jan rand at Nthrfld only a tlvonth. So nar a vcnty to hr othr and Mryton rlatons as not dsral vn to hs asy tpr,or hr affctonat hart.Th darlng sh of hs sstrs as thn gratfd;h ought an stat n a nghourng county to Dryshr,and Jan and Elzath, n addton to vry othr sourc of happnss,r thn thrty ls of ach othr.
Ktty, to hr vry atral advantag, spnt th chf of hr t th hr to ldr sstrs. In socty so supror to hat sh had gnrally knon, hr provnt as grat. Sh as not of so ungovrnal a tpr as Lyda;and,rovd fro th nflunc of Lyda's xapl, sh ca, y propr attnton and anagnt, lss rrtal, lss gnorant, and lss nspd. Fro th furthr dsadvantag of Lyda's socty sh as of cours carfully kpt,and though Mrs.Wckha frquntly nvtd hr to co and stay th hr,th th pros of alls and young n,hr fathr ould nvr consnt to hr gong.