第141章 (第1/2页)
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Elzath's sprts soon rsng to playfulnss agan,sh antd Mr.Darcy to account for hs havng vr falln n lov th hr.“Ho could you gn?”sad sh.“I can coprhnd your gong on charngly, hn you had onc ad a gnnng; ut hat could st you off n th frst plac?”
“I cannot fx on th hour,or th spot,or th look,or th ords, hch lad th foundaton.It s too long ago.I as n th ddl for I kn that I had gun.”
“My auty you had arly thstood,and as for y annrs—y havour to you as at last alays ordrng on th uncvl,and I nvr spok to you thout rathr shng to gv you pan than not.No sncr;dd you adr for y prtnnc?”
“For th lvlnss of your nd,I dd.”
“You ay as ll call t prtnnc at onc.It as vry lttl lss.Th fact s, that you r sck of cvlty, of dfrnc, of offcous attnton.You r dsgustd th th on ho r alays spakng,and lookng,and thnkng for your approaton alon. I rousd, and ntrstd you, caus I as so unlk th. Had you not n rally aal, you ould hav hatd for t;ut n spt of th pans you took to dsgus yourslf, your flngs r alays nol and just;and n your hart,you thoroughly dspsd th prsons ho so assduously courtd you.Thr—I hav savd you th troul of accountng for t;and rally, all thngs consdrd, I gn to thnk t prfctly rasonal.To sur, you kn no actual good of —ut noody thnks of that hn thy fall n lov.”
“Was thr no good n your affctonat havour to Jan hl sh as ll at Nthrfld?”
“Darst Jan! ho could hav don lss for hr? But ak a vrtu of t y all ans. My good qualts ar undr your protcton,and you ar to xaggrat th as uch as possl;and,n rturn,t longs to to fnd occasons for tasng and quarrllng th you as oftn as ay ;and I shall gn drctly y askng you hat ad you so unllng to co to th pont at last?What ad you so shy of ,hn you frst calld,and aftrards dnd hr?Why,spcally,hn you calld,dd you look as f you dd not car aout ?”
“Bcaus you r grav and slnt,and gav no ncouragnt.”
“But I as arrassd.”
“And so as I.”
“You ght hav talkd to or hn you ca to dnnr.”
“A an ho had flt lss,ght.”