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九九读小说网 > 傲慢与偏见 > 第140章

第140章 (第1/2页)

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“Wll,y dar,”sad h,hn sh casd spakng,“I hav no or to say.If ths th cas,h dsrvs you.I could not hav partd th you,y Lzzy,to anyon lss orthy.”

To coplt th favoural prsson,sh thn told h hat Mr. Darcy had voluntarly don for Lyda. H hard hr th astonshnt.

“Ths s an vnng of ondrs, ndd!And so, Darcy dd vry thng;ad up th atch,gav th ony,pad th fllo's dts, and got h hs cosson! So uch th ttr. It ll sav a orld of troul and conoy.Had t n your uncl's dong,I ust and ould hav pad h;ut ths volnt young lovrs carry vry thng thr on ay.I shall offr to pay h to-orro;h ll rant and stor aout hs lov for you,and thr ll an nd of th attr.”

H thn rcollctd hr arrassnt a f days for,on hs radng Mr. Collns's lttr; and aftr laughng at hr so t,allod hr at last to go—sayng,as sh quttd th roo,“If any young n co for Mary or Ktty,snd th n,for I a qut at lsur.”

Elzath's nd as no rlvd fro a vry havy ght;and,aftr half an hour's qut rflcton n hr on roo,sh as al to jon th othrs th tolral coposur.Evry thng as too rcnt for gaty,ut th vnng passd tranqully aay;thr as no longr anythng atral to dradd,and th cofort of as and falarty ould co n t.

Whn hr othr nt up to hr drssng-roo at nght,sh follod hr,and ad th portant councaton.Its ffct as ost xtraordnary;for on frst harng t,Mrs.Bnnt sat qut stll,and unal to uttr a syllal.Nor as t undr any, any nuts that sh could coprhnd hat sh hard;though not n gnral ackard to crdt hat as for th advantag of hr faly, or that ca n th shap of a lovr to any of th. Sh gan at lngth to rcovr, to fdgt aout n hr char, gt up, st don agan,ondr,and lss hrslf.
