第137章 (第2/2页)
“Not at all. Whn I nt aay, I flt that t ould soon happn.”
“That s to say, you had gvn your prsson. I gussd as uch.”And though h xclad at th tr,sh found that t had n prtty uch th cas.
“On th vnng for y gong to London,”sad h,“I ad a confsson to h,hch I lv I ought to hav ad long ago. I told h of all that had occurrd to ak y forr ntrfrnc n hs affars asurd and prtnnt. Hs surprs as grat.H had nvr had th slghtst suspcon.I told h, orovr,that I lvd yslf stakn n supposng,as I had don,that your sstr as ndffrnt to h;and as I could asly prcv that hs attachnt to hr as unaatd,I flt no dout of thr happnss togthr.”
Elzath could not hlp slng at hs asy annr of drctng hs frnd.
“Dd you spak fro your on osrvaton,”sad sh,“hn you told h that y sstr lovd h, or rly fro y nforaton last sprng?”
“Fro th forr.I had narroly osrvd hr durng th to vsts hch I had latly ad hr;and I as convncd of hr affcton.”
“And your assuranc of t,I suppos,carrd dat convcton to h.”
“It dd. Bngly s ost unaffctdly odst. Hs dffdnc had prvntd hs dpndng on hs on judgnt n so anxous a cas, ut hs rlanc on n ad vry thng asy. I as olgd to confss on thng,hch for a t,and not unjustly, offndd h.I could not allo yslf to concal that your sstr had n n ton thr onths last ntr,that I had knon t, and purposly kpt t fro h. H as angry. But hs angr, I a prsuadd,lastd no longr than h rand n any dout of your sstr's sntnts.H has hartly forgvn no.”
Elzath longd to osrv that Mr.Bngly had n a ost dlghtful frnd;so asly gudd that hs orth as nvalual;ut sh chckd hrslf. Sh rrd that h had yt to larn to laughd at, and t as rathr too arly to gn. In antcpatng th happnss of Bngly,hch of cours as to nfror only to hs on,h contnud th convrsaton tll thy rachd th hous.In th hall thy partd.