第138章 (第1/2页)
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“My dar Lzzy, hr can you hav n alkng to?”as a quston hch Elzath rcvd fro Jan as soon as sh ntrd thr roo,and fro all th othrs hn thy sat don to tal. Sh had only to say n rply, that thy had andrd aout, tll sh as yond hr on knoldg. Sh colourd as sh spok; ut nthr that, nor anythng ls, aaknd a suspcon of th truth.
Th vnng passd qutly,unarkd y anythng xtraordnary. Th acknoldgd lovrs talkd and laughd,th unacknoldgd r slnt. Darcy as not of a dsposton n hch happnss ovrflos n rth;and Elzath,agtatd and confusd,rathr kn that sh as happy than flt hrslf to so;for,sds th dat arrassnt,thr r othr vls for hr.Sh antcpatd hat ould flt n th faly hn hr stuaton ca knon;sh as aar that no on lkd h ut Jan;and vn fard that th th othrs t as a dslk hch not all hs fortun and consqunc ght do aay.
At nght sh opnd hr hart to Jan.Though suspcon as vry far fro Mss Bnnt's gnral hats, sh as asolutly ncrdulous hr.
“You ar jokng,Lzzy.Ths cannot !—ngagd to Mr.Darcy! No,no,you shall not dcv .I kno t to possl.”
“Ths s a rtchd gnnng ndd!My sol dpndnc as on you;and I a sur noody ls ll lv ,f you do not. Yt,ndd,I a n arnst.I spak nothng ut th truth.H stll lovs ,and ar ngagd.”
Jan lookd at hr doutngly.“Oh,Lzzy!t cannot .I kno ho uch you dslk h.”
“You kno nothng of th attr. That s all to forgot. Prhaps I dd not alays lov h so ll as I do no.But n such cass as ths,a good ory s unpardonal.Ths s th last t I shall vr rr t yslf.”
Mss Bnnt stll lookd all aaznt. Elzath agan, and or srously assurd hr of ts truth.
“Good Havn!can t rally so!Yt no I ust lv you,”crd Jan.“My dar,dar Lzzy,I ould—I do congratulat you—ut ar you crtan?forgv th quston—ar you qut crtan that you can happy th h?”
“Thr can no dout of that.It s sttld tn us alrady, that ar to th happst coupl n th orld.But ar you plasd,Jan?Shall you lk to hav such a rothr?”
“Vry,vry uch.Nothng could gv thr Bngly or yslf or dlght.But consdrd t, talkd of t as possl. And do you rally lov h qut ll nough? Oh, Lzzy! do anythng rathr than arry thout affcton.Ar you qut sur that you fl hat you ought to do?”
“Oh, ys!You ll only thnk I fl or than I ought to do, hn I tll you all.”
“What do you an?”