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九九读小说网 > 傲慢与偏见 > 第133章

第133章 (第2/2页)

“Lzzy,”sad h,“I as gong to look for you; co nto y roo.”

Sh follod h ththr; and hr curosty to kno hat h had to tll hr as hghtnd y th supposton of ts ng n so annr connctd th th lttr h hld. It suddnly struck hr that t ght fro Lady Cathrn; and sh antcpatd th dsay all th consqunt xplanatons.

Sh follod hr fathr to th fr plac, and thy oth sat don.H thn sad,

“I hav rcvd a lttr ths ornng that has astonshd xcdngly.As t prncpally concrns yourslf,you ought to kno ts contnts. I dd not kno for, that I had to daughtrs on th rnk of atrony. Lt congratulat you on a vry portant conqust.”

Th colour no rushd nto Elzath's chks n th nstantanous convcton of ts ng a lttr fro th nph,nstad of th aunt;and sh as undtrnd hthr ost to plasd that h xpland hslf at all, or offndd that hs lttr as not rathr addrssd to hrslf;hn hr fathr contnud:

“You look conscous.Young lads hav grat pntraton n such attrs as ths;ut I thnk I ay dfy vn your sagacty, to dscovr th na of your adrr.Ths lttr s fro Mr. Collns.”

“Fro Mr.Collns!and hat can h hav to say?”
