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九九读小说网 > 傲慢与偏见 > 第134章

第134章 (第1/2页)

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“Sothng vry uch to th purpos of cours. H gns th congratulatons on th approachng nuptals of y ldst daughtr, of hch, t ss, h has n told y so of th good-naturd, gosspng Lucass. I shall not sport th your patnc,y radng hat h says on that pont.What rlats to yourslf, s as follos: 'Havng thus offrd you th sncr congratulatons of Mrs.Collns and yslf on ths happy vnt, lt no add a short hnt on th sujct of anothr;of hch hav n advrtsd y th sa authorty.Your daughtr Elzath,t s prsud,ll not long ar th na of Bnnt, aftr hr ldr sstr has rsgnd t,and th chosn partnr of hr fat ay rasonaly lookd up to as on of th ost llustrous prsonags n ths land.'

“Can you possly guss, Lzzy, ho s ant y ths?”'Ths young gntlan s lssd, n a pcular ay, th vry thng th hart of ortal can ost dsr, —splndd proprty,nol kndrd, and xtnsv patronag. Yt n spt of all ths tptatons, lt arn y cousn Elzath, and yourslf, of hat vls you ay ncur y a prcptat closur th ths gntlan's proposals, hch, of cours, you ll nclnd to tak dat advantag of.'

“Hav you any da, Lzzy, ho ths gntlan s? But no t cos out:

“'My otv for cautonng you s as follos.W hav rason to agn that hs aunt,Lady Cathrn d Bourgh,dos not look on th atch th a frndly y.'

“Mr. Darcy, you s, s th an! No, Lzzy, I thnk I hav surprsd you.Could h,or th Lucass,hav ptchd on any an thn th crcl of our acquantanc, hos na ould hav gvn th l or ffctually to hat thy rlatd? Mr. Darcy, ho nvr looks at any oan ut to s a lsh, and ho proaly nvr lookd at you n hs lf!It s adral!”
