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九九读小说网 > 傲慢与偏见 > 第121章

第121章 (第2/2页)

“And do you lk hr?”

“Vry uch.”

“I hav hard,ndd,that sh s uncoonly provd thn ths yar or to.Whn I last sa hr,sh as not vry prosng. I a vry glad you lkd hr.I hop sh ll turn out ll.”

“I dar say sh ll;sh has got ovr th ost tryng ag.”

“Dd you go y th vllag of Kypton?”

“I do not rcollct that dd.”

“I nton t,caus t s th lvng hch I ought to hav had. A ost dlghtful plac!—Excllnt Parsonag Hous! It ould hav sutd n vry rspct.”

“Ho should you hav lkd akng srons?”

“Excdngly ll. I should hav consdrd t as part of y duty, and th xrton ould soon hav n nothng. On ought not to rpn;—ut,to sur,t ould hav n such a thng for !Th qut,th rtrnt of such a lf ould hav ansrd all y das of happnss!But t as not to .Dd you vr har Darcy nton th crcustanc, hn you r n Knt?”

“I hav hard fro authorty, hch I thought as good, that t as lft you condtonally only,and at th ll of th prsnt patron.”

“You hav.Ys,thr as sothng n that;I told you so fro th frst,you ay rr.”

“I dd har, too, that thr as a t, hn sron-akng as not so palatal to you as t ss to at prsnt;that you actually dclard your rsoluton of nvr takng ordrs,and that th usnss had n coprosd accordngly.”

“You dd! and t as not holly thout foundaton.You ay rr hat I told you on that pont,hn frst talkd of t.”

Thy r no alost at th door of th hous, for sh had alkd fast to gt rd of h;and unllng,for hr sstr's sak, to provok h, sh only sad n rply, th a good-huourd sl:

“Co,Mr.Wckha, ar rothr and sstr,you kno.Do not lt us quarrl aout th past. In futur, I hop shall alays of on nd.”

Sh hld out hr hand;h kssd t th affctonat gallantry, though h hardly kn ho to look,and thy ntrd th hous.
