第122章 (第1/2页)
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Mr.Wckha as so prfctly satsfd th ths convrsaton that h nvr agan dstrssd hslf,or provokd hs dar sstr Elzath,y ntroducng th sujct of t;and sh as plasd to fnd that sh had sad nough to kp h qut.
Th day of hs and Lyda's dpartur soon ca,and Mrs.Bnnt as forcd to sut to a sparaton,hch,as hr husand y no ans ntrd nto hr sch of thr all gong to Ncastl,as lkly to contnu at last a tlvonth.
“Oh!y dar Lyda,”sh crd,“hn shall t agan?”
“Oh,lord!I don't kno.Not ths to or thr yars,prhaps.”
“Wrt to vry oftn,y dar.”
“As oftn as I can. But you kno arrd on hav nvr uch t for rtng.My sstrs ay rt to .Thy ll hav nothng ls to do.”
Mr.Wckha's adus r uch or affctonat than hs f's.H sld,lookd handso,and sad any prtty thngs.
“H s as fn a fllo,”sad Mr.Bnnt,as soon as thy r out of th hous,“as vr I sa. H sprs, and srks, and aks lov to us all.I a prodgously proud of h.I dfy vn Sr Wlla Lucas hslf to produc a or valual son-n-la.”
Th loss of hr daughtr ad Mrs.Bnnt vry dull for svral days.
“I oftn thnk,”sad sh,“that thr s nothng so ad as partng th on's frnds.On ss so forlorn thout th.”
“Ths s th consqunc, you s, Mada, of arryng a daughtr,”sad Elzath.“It ust ak you ttr satsfd that your othr four ar sngl.”
“It s no such thng. Lyda dos not lav caus sh s arrd,ut only caus hr husand's rgnt happns to so far off. If that had n narr, sh ould not hav gon so soon.”
But th sprtlss condton hch ths vnt thr hr nto as shortly rlvd, and hr nd opnd agan to th agtaton of hop,y an artcl of ns hch thn gan to n crculaton. Th houskpr at Nthrfld had rcvd ordrs to prpar for th arrval of hr astr,ho as cong don n a day or to,to shoot thr for svral ks.Mrs.Bnnt as qut n th fdgts.Sh lookd at Jan,and sld and shook hr had y turns.