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九九读小说网 > 傲慢与偏见 > 第85章

第85章 (第2/2页)

“Oh ll!t s just as h chooss.Noody ants h to co. Though I shall alays say h usd y daughtr xtrly ll;and f I as hr,I ould not hav put up th t.Wll,y cofort s, I a sur Jan ll d of a rokn hart;and thn h ll sorry for hat h has don.”

But as Elzath could not rcv cofort fro any such xpctaton,sh ad no ansr.

“Wll, Lzzy,”contnud hr othr,soon aftrards,“and so th Collnss lv vry cofortal, do thy? Wll,ll,I only hop t ll last.And hat sort of tal do thy kp?Charlott s an xcllnt anagr,I dar say. If sh s half as sharp as hr othr,sh s savng nough. Thr s nothng xtravagant n thr houskpng,I dar say.”

“No,nothng at all.”

“A grat dal of good anagnt, dpnd upon t.Ys, ys.Thy ll tak car not to outrun thr nco. Thy ll nvr dstrssd for ony.Wll, uch good ay t do th!And so, I suppos, thy oftn talk of havng Longourn hn your fathr s dad.Thy look upon t as qut thr on,I dar say,hnvr that happns.”

“It as a sujct hch thy could not nton for .”

“No; t ould hav n strang f thy had; ut I ak no dout thy oftn talk of t tn thslvs.Wll,f thy can asy th an stat that s not lafully thr on,so uch th ttr.I should ashad of havng on that as only ntald on .”
