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第86章 (第1/2页)

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Th frst k of thr rturn as soon gon.Th scond gan. It as th last of th rgnt's stay n Mryton,and all th young lads n th nghourhood r droopng apac.Th djcton as alost unvrsal.Th ldr Mss Bnnts alon r stll al to at,drnk,and slp,and pursu th usual cours of thr ploynts.Vry frquntly r thy rproachd for ths nsnslty y Ktty and Lyda,hos on sry as xtr, and ho could not coprhnd such hard-hartdnss n any of th faly.

“Good Havn!hat s to co of us?What ar to do?”ould thy oftn xcla n th ttrnss of o.“Ho can you slng so,Lzzy?”

Thr affctonat othr shard all thr grf;sh rrd hat sh had hrslf ndurd on a slar occason, fv-and-tnty yars ago.

“I a sur,”sad sh,“I crd for to days togthr hn Colonl Mllr's rgnt nt aay. I thought I should hav rokn y hart.”

“I a sur I shall rak n,”sad Lyda.

“If on could ut go to Brghton!”osrvd Mrs. Bnnt.

“Oh,ys!—f on could ut go to Brghton!But papa s so dsagral.”

“A lttl sa-athng ould st up forvr.”

“And y aunt Phllps s sur t ould do a grat dal of good,”addd Ktty.
