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九九读小说网 > 傲慢与偏见 > 第84章

第84章 (第2/2页)

“I do not kno hn I hav n or shockd,”sad sh.“Wckha so vry ad! It s alost past lf.And poor Mr. Darcy!Dar Lzzy,only consdr hat h ust hav suffrd.Such a dsappontnt! and th th knoldg of your ll opnon, too!and havng to rlat such a thng of hs sstr!It s rally too dstrssng.I a sur you ust fl t so.”

“Oh! no, y rgrt and copasson ar all don aay y sng you so full of oth. I kno you ll do h such apl justc,that I a grong vry ont or unconcrnd and ndffrnt.Your profuson aks savng; and f you lant ovr h uch longr,y hart ll as lght as a fathr.”

“Poor Wckha!thr s such an xprsson of goodnss n hs countnanc!such an opnnss and gntlnss n hs annr!”

“Thr crtanly as so grat sanagnt n th ducaton of thos to young n.On has got all th goodnss, and th othr all th apparanc of t.”

“I nvr thought Mr.Darcy so dfcnt n th apparanc of t as you usd to do.”

“And yt I ant to uncoonly clvr n takng so dcdd a dslk to h, thout any rason. It s such a spur to on's gnus, such an opnng for t, to hav a dslk of that knd. On ay contnually ausv thout sayng anythng just;ut on cannot alays laughng at a an thout no and thn stulng on sothng tty.”

“Lzzy,hn you frst rad that lttr,I a sur you could not trat th attr as you do no.”

“Indd,I could not.I as uncofortal nough,I as vry uncofortal,I ay say unhappy.And th no on to spak to aout hat I flt,no Jan to cofort and say that I had not n so vry ak and van and nonsnscal as I kn I had!Oh! ho I antd you!”

“Ho unfortunat that you should hav usd such vry strong xprssons n spakng of Wckha to Mr.Darcy,for no thy do appar holly undsrvd.”

“Crtanly.But th sfortun of spakng th ttrnss s a ost natural consqunc of th prjudcs I had n ncouragng. Thr s on pont on hch I ant your advc.I ant to told hthr I ought, or ought not, to ak our acquantancs n gnral undrstand Wckha's charactr.”
