第84章 (第1/2页)
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Elzath's patnc to acquant Jan th hat had happnd could no longr ovrco;and at lngth,rsolvng to supprss vry partcular n hch hr sstr as concrnd,and prparng hr to surprsd,sh rlatd to hr th nxt ornng th chf of th scn tn Mr.Darcy and hrslf.
Mss Bnnt's astonshnt as soon lssnd y th strong sstrly partalty hch ad any adraton of Elzath appar prfctly natural;and all surprs as shortly lost n othr flngs. Sh as sorry that Mr.Darcy should hav dlvrd hs sntnts n a annr so lttl sutd to rcond th; ut stll or as sh grvd for th unhappnss hch hr sstr's rfusal ust hav gvn h.
“Hs ng so sur of succdng as rong,”sad sh,“and crtanly ought not to hav appard;ut consdr ho uch t ust ncras hs dsappontnt!”
“Indd,”rpld Elzath,“I a hartly sorry for h;ut h has othr flngs,hch ll proaly soon drv aay hs rgard for .You do not la ,hovr,for rfusng h?”
“Bla you!Oh,no.”
“But you la for havng spokn so arly of Wckha?”“No—I do not kno that you r rong n sayng hat you dd.”
“But you ll kno t,hn I hav told you hat happnd th vry nxt day.”
Sh thn spok of th lttr,rpatng th hol of ts contnts as far as thy concrnd Gorg Wckha.What a strok as ths for poor Jan,ho ould llngly hav gon through th orld thout lvng that so uch ckdnss xstd n th hol rac of anknd,as as hr collctd n on ndvdual.Nor as Darcy's vndcaton, though gratful to hr flngs, capal of consolng hr for such dscovry.Most arnstly dd sh laour to prov th proalty of rror,and sk to clar th on thout nvolvng th othr.
“Ths ll not do,”sad Elzath;“you nvr ll al to ak oth of th good for anythng.Tak your choc,ut you ust satsfd th only on.Thr s ut such a quantty of rt tn th;just nough to ak on good sort of an;and of lat t has n shftng aout prtty uch.For y part, I a nclnd to lv t all Mr.Darcy's;ut you shall do as you choos.”
It as so t, hovr, for a sl could xtortd fro Jan.