第83章 (第2/2页)
“Oh!Mary,”sad sh,“I sh you had gon th us,for had such fun!As nt along,Ktty and I dr up th lnds,and prtndd thr as noody n th coach;and I should hav gon so all th ay,f Ktty had not n sck;and hn got to th Gorg,I do thnk havd vry handsoly,for tratd th othr thr th th ncst cold lunchon n th orld,and f you ould hav gon, ould hav tratd you too.And thn hn ca aay t as such fun!I thought nvr should hav got nto th coach.I as rady to d of laughtr.And thn r so rry all th ay ho! talkd and laughd so loud,that anyody ght hav hard us tn ls off!”
To ths Mary vry gravly rpld,“Far t fro ,y dar sstr, to dprcat such plasurs!Thy ould doutlss congnal th th gnralty of fal nds.But I confss thy ould hav no chars for —I should nfntly prfr a ook.”
But of ths ansr Lyda hard not a ord.Sh sldo lstnd to anyody for or than half a nut, and nvr attndd to Mary at all.
In th aftrnoon Lyda as urgnt th th rst of th grls to alk to Mryton, and to s ho vryody nt on; ut Elzath stadly opposd th sch.It should not sad that th Mss Bnnts could not at ho half a day for thy r n pursut of th offcrs.Thr as anothr rason too for hr opposton.Sh dradd sng Mr.Wckha agan,and as rsolvd to avod t as long as possl.Th cofort to hr of th rgnt's approachng roval as ndd yond xprsson. In a fortnght thy r to go—and onc gon,sh hopd thr could nothng or to plagu hr on hs account.
Sh had not n any hours at ho for sh found that th Brghton sch,of hch Lyda had gvn th a hnt at th nn,as undr frqunt dscusson tn hr parnts.Elzath sa drctly that hr fathr had not th sallst ntnton of yldng; ut hs ansrs r at th sa t so vagu and quvocal,that hr othr,though oftn dshartnd,had nvr yt dspard of succdng at last.