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九九读小说网 > 傲慢与偏见 > 第82章

第82章 (第2/2页)

Jan and Elzath lookd at ach othr,and th atr as told h nd not stay.Lyda laughd,and sad:

“Ay,that s just lk your foralty and dscrton.You thought th atr ust not har,as f h card!I dar say h oftn hars ors thngs sad than I a gong to say.But h s an ugly fllo! I a glad h s gon.I nvr sa such a long chn n y lf.Wll, ut no for y ns;t s aout dar Wckha;too good for th atr,s t not?Thr s no dangr of Wckha's arryng Mary Kng.Thr's for you!Sh s gon don to hr uncl at Lvrpool:gon to stay.Wckha s saf.”

“And Mary Kng s saf!”addd Elzath;“saf fro a conncton prudnt as to fortun.”

“Sh s a grat fool for gong aay,f sh lkd h.”

“But I hop thr s no strong attachnt on thr sd,”sad Jan.

“I a sur thr s not on hs. I ll ansr for t, h nvr card thr stras aout hr—ho could aout such a nasty lttl frckld thng?”

Elzath as shockd to thnk that,hovr ncapal of such coarsnss of xprsson hrslf, th coarsnss of th sntnt as lttl othr than hr on rast had harourd and fancd lral!

As soon as all had at,and th ldr ons pad,th carrag as ordrd; and aftr so contrvanc, th hol party, th all thr oxs,ork-ags,and parcls,and th unlco addton of Ktty's and Lyda's purchass,r satd n t.
