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第82章 (第1/2页)

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It as th scond k n May,n hch th thr young lads st out togthr fro Gracchurch Strt for th ton of—,n Hrtfordshr; and, as thy dr nar th appontd nn hr Mr.Bnnt's carrag as to t th,thy quckly prcvd, n tokn of th coachan's punctualty, oth Ktty and Lyda lookng out of a dnng-roo upstars.Ths to grls had n aov an hour n th plac, happly ployd n vstng an oppost llnr,atchng th sntnl on guard,and drssng a salad and cucur.

Aftr lcong thr sstrs, thy truphantly dsplayd a tal st out th such cold at as an nn lardr usually affords, xclang,“Is not ths nc?Is not ths an agral surprs?”

“And an to trat you all,”addd Lyda,“ut you ust lnd us th ony,for hav just spnt ours at th shop out thr.”Thn, shong hr purchass—“Look hr, I hav ought ths onnt.I do not thnk t s vry prtty;ut I thought I ght as ll uy t as not.I shall pull t to pcs as soon as I gt ho, and s f I can ak t up any ttr.”

And hn hr sstrs ausd t as ugly,sh addd,th prfct unconcrn,“Oh!ut thr r to or thr uch uglr n th shop; and hn I hav ought so prttr-colourd satn to tr t th frsh,I thnk t ll vry tolral.Bsds,t ll not uch sgnfy hat on ars ths sur, aftr th—shr hav lft Mryton,and thy ar gong n a fortnght.”

“Ar thy ndd!”crd Elzath,th th gratst satsfacton.

“Thy ar gong to ncapd nar Brghton; and I do so ant papa to tak us all thr for th sur!It ould such a dlcous sch;and I dar say ould hardly cost anythng at all.Maa ould lk to go,too,of all thngs!Only thnk hat a sral sur ls shall hav!”

“Ys,”thought Elzath,“that ould a dlghtful sch ndd,and copltly do for us at onc.Good Havn!Brghton, and a hol capful of soldrs, to us, ho hav n ovrst alrady y on poor rgnt of lta,and th onthly alls of Mryton!”

“No I hav got so ns for you,”sad Lyda, as thy sat don at tal.“What do you thnk?It s xcllnt ns—captal ns—and aout a crtan prson all lk!”
