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九九读小说网 > 傲慢与偏见 > 第81章

第81章 (第2/2页)

“But,”h addd,“you ll of cours sh to hav your hul rspcts dlvrd to th, th your gratful thanks for thr kndnss to you hl you hav n hr.”

Elzath ad no ojcton;th door as thn allod to shut,and th carrag drov off.

“Good gracous!”crd Mara, aftr a f nuts' slnc,“t ss ut a day or to snc frst ca! and yt ho any thngs hav happnd!”

“A grat any ndd,”sad hr copanon th a sgh.

“W hav dnd nn ts at Rosngs, sds drnkng ta thr tc! Ho uch I shall hav to tll!”

Elzath addd prvatly,“And ho uch I shall hav to concal!”

Thr journy as prford thout uch convrsaton, or any alar; and thn four hours of thr lavng Hunsford thy rachd Mr. Gardnr's hous,hr thy r to ran a f days.

Jan lookd ll, and Elzath had lttl opportunty of studyng hr sprts, adst th varous ngagnts hch th kndnss of hr aunt had rsrvd for th.But Jan as to go ho th hr,and at Longourn thr ould lsur nough for osrvaton.

It as not thout an ffort, anhl, that sh could at vn for Longourn, for sh told hr sstr of Mr. Darcy's proposals.To kno that sh had th por of rvalng hat ould so xcdngly astonsh Jan,and ust,at th sa t, so hghly gratfy hatvr of hr on vanty sh had not yt n al to rason aay,as such a tptaton to opnnss as nothng could hav conqurd ut th stat of ndcson n hch sh rand as to th xtnt of hat sh should councat;and hr far,f sh onc ntrd on th sujct,of ng hurrd nto rpatng sothng of Bngly hch ght only grv hr sstr furthr.
