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九九读小说网 > 傲慢与偏见 > 第79章

第79章 (第2/2页)

“I a uch olgd to your ladyshp for your knd nvtaton,”rpld Elzath,“ut t s not n y por to accpt t.I ust n ton nxt Saturday.”

“Why,at that rat,you ll hav n hr only sx ks. I xpctd you to stay to onths. I told Mrs. Collns so for you ca. Thr can no occason for your gong so soon. Mrs. Bnnt could crtanly spar you for anothr fortnght.”

“But y fathr cannot. H rot last k to hurry y rturn.”

“Oh!your fathr of cours ay spar you, f your othr can. Daughtrs ar nvr of so uch consqunc to a fathr. And f you ll stay anothr onth coplt,t ll n y por to tak on of you as far as London,for I a gong thr arly n Jun,for a k;and as Dason dos not ojct to th arouch-ox,thr ll vry good roo for on of you—and ndd,f th athr should happn to cool,I should not ojct to takng you oth,as you ar nthr of you larg.”

“You ar all kndnss,ada;ut I lv ust ad y our orgnal plan.”

Lady Cathrn sd rsgnd.“Mrs. Collns, you ust snd a srvant th th.You kno I alays spak y nd, and I cannot ar th da of to young on travllng post y thslvs.It s hghly propr.You ust contrv to snd soody. I hav th gratst dslk n th orld to that sort of thng.Young on should alays proprly guardd and attndd, accordng to thr stuaton n lf.Whn y nc Gorgana nt to Rasgat last sur,I ad a pont of hr havng to n-srvants go th hr.Mss Darcy,th daughtr of Mr.Darcy,of Prly,and Lady Ann,could not hav appard th proprty n a dffrnt annr.I a xcssvly attntv to all thos thngs.You ust snd John th th young lads,Mrs. Collns.I a glad t occurrd to to nton t;for t ould rally dscrdtal to you to lt th go alon.”

“My uncl s to snd a srvant for us.”
