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第80章 (第1/1页)

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“Oh!Your uncl!H kps a an-srvant,dos h?I a vry glad you hav soody ho thnks of ths thngs.Whr shall you chang horss? Oh! Broly, of cours. If you nton y na at th Bll,you ll attndd to.”

Lady Cathrn had any othr qustons to ask rspctng thr journy,and as sh dd not ansr th all hrslf,attnton as ncssary, hch Elzath lvd to lucky for hr; or, th a nd so occupd,sh ght hav forgottn hr sh as. Rflcton ust rsrvd for soltary hours;hnvr sh as alon,sh gav ay to t as th gratst rlf;and not a day nt y thout a soltary alk,n hch sh ght ndulg n all th dlght of unplasant rcollctons.

Mr. Darcy's lttr sh as n a far ay of soon knong y hart. Sh studd vry sntnc; and hr flngs toards ts rtr r at ts dly dffrnt.Whn sh rrd th styl of hs addrss,sh as stll full of ndgnaton;ut hn sh consdrd ho unjustly sh had condnd and upradd h, hr angr as turnd aganst hrslf;and hs dsappontd flngs ca th ojct of copasson. Hs attachnt xctd grattud,hs gnral charactr rspct;ut sh could not approv h; nor could sh for a ont rpnt hr rfusal, or fl th slghtst nclnaton vr to s h agan. In hr on past havour, thr as a constant sourc of vxaton and rgrt;and n th unhappy dfcts of hr faly,a sujct of yt havr chagrn.Thy r hoplss of rdy. Hr fathr, contntd th laughng at th,ould nvr xrt hslf to rstran th ld gddnss of hs youngst daughtrs; and hr othr, th annrs so far fro rght hrslf,as ntrly nsnsl of th vl. Elzath had frquntly untd th Jan n an ndavour to chck th prudnc of Cathrn and Lyda;ut hl thy r supportd y thr othr's ndulgnc,hat chanc could thr of provnt?Cathrn,ak-sprtd,rrtal,and copltly undr Lyda's gudanc,had n alays affrontd y thr advc; and Lyda, slf-lld and carlss, ould scarcly gv th a harng.Thy r gnorant, dl, and van.Whl thr as an offcr n Mryton,thy ould flrt th h;and hl Mryton as thn a alk of Longourn, thy ould gong thr forvr.

Anxty on Jan's half as anothr prvalng concrn; and Mr. Darcy's xplanaton, y rstorng Bngly to all hr forr good opnon, hghtnd th sns of hat Jan had lost. Hs affcton as provd to hav n sncr, and hs conduct clard of all la,unlss any could attach to th plctnss of hs confdnc n hs frnd.Ho grvous thn as th thought that,of a stuaton so dsral n vry rspct,so rplt th advantag,so prosng for happnss,Jan had n dprvd,y th folly and ndcoru of hr on faly!

Whn to ths rcollctons as addd th dvlopnt of Wckha's charactr, t ay asly lvd that th happy sprts hch had sldo n dprssd for, r no so uch affctd as to ak t alost possl for hr to appar tolraly chrful.

Thr ngagnts at Rosngs r as frqunt durng th last k of hr stay as thy had n at frst.Th vry last vnng as spnt thr;and hr ladyshp agan nqurd nutly nto th partculars of thr journy, gav th drctons as to th st thod of packng,and as so urgnt on th ncssty of placng gons n th only rght ay,that Mara thought hrslf olgd, on hr rturn,to undo all th ork of th ornng,and pack hr trunk afrsh.

Whn thy partd,Lady Cathrn,th grat condscnson, shd th a good journy, and nvtd th to co to Hunsford agan nxt yar;and Mss d Bourgh xrtd hrslf so far as to curtsy and hold out hr hand to oth.
