第180章 让他还清欠债 (第1/2页)
九九读小说网 www.99duxiaoshuo.com,最快更新遇见璀璨的你!
这边,季默成功约到了设计师Vincent Pugh。
瞧见Vincent Pugh进来,坐在餐桌前的季默立刻站起身,走向Vincent伸出一手。
“Mr.Pugh,I’ve heard a lot about you.It’s my honor to meet you in person.(pugh先生,久仰大名)”
Vincent笑着也伸出一只手,“Meeting the Chinese fashion industry leader,please,Mr.Ji,the honor is mine.To be honest,I’m deeply impressed by the Formal Dress series you have launched.It’s quite rare to see a such outstanding and creative work these years.(能见到中国时尚产业的领军人物,这也是我的荣幸。您之前推出的礼服系列给我留下了很深的印象,这种出色的作品现在已经很少见了。)”
“Thank y
ou,Mr.Pugh.I assume you have received my email,I’ll get straight to the point.Wing Fashion Group is launching a fashion designer collaboration for the upcoming season,and as far as I know,your work possesses the perfect design and tailoring,which Wing Fashion Group has been searching for.So I came here to invite you to join Wing Fashion Group for this new series.”(您过奖了。想必我的邮件您已经收到了。翼时尚正准备推出新一季的设计师联名系列,而您的作品有着完美的设计和剪裁,也与翼时尚的品牌气质不谋而合。所以,我这次特意前来,想要邀请您加入翼时尚这一次的新系列。)
季默非常礼貌的表达了自己约见Vincent Pugh的目的。
Vincent表情僵了僵,面露为难,“Mr.Ji,I’m afraid that I have to turn down your offer.You might not know that I have been keeping a distance from fashion industry for quite a long time.I am deeply impressed by Wing Fashion Group’s new design,but it is not a sufficient reason for me to return.(您可能还不知道,我已经退出时尚界很久了。
季默早已做好心里准备,并没有因此放弃,“So I’ve heard about your retreat,Mr.Pugh.I believe with the right incentives,you won’t abandon your design career you have been passionately working on,unless our products are unable to impress you.Please,Mr.Pugh,what are your concerns?(您隐退的事情,我早有耳闻。但我相信,只要有足够的动力,您是不会放弃您所热爱的设计工作的。或许是我们的作品还不足以打动你,不知道你还有什么别的要求吗?)”
Vincent摇摇头,“I’m afraid you have misunderstood me.I’m not bargaining for better conditions.I simply don’t want to design anymore.(你误会了,我并不是在提出要求。我只是单纯地不想再画图了。)”
季默留意到,轻轻皱了皱眉。“Mr.Pugh,is there something that’s difficult for you to mention?(Pugh先生,您是有什么难言之隐吗?)”
Vincent一怔,眼中闪过一丝惊讶。Vincent沉默片刻后,启唇,“A friend of mine have come to me and asked me not doing business with Wing Fashion Group.(一个朋友来找到我,让我不要答应与