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英文对照之章 (第2/2页)

≈quot;My daughtr and Grandson lvng n Crscnt Cty,≈quot; soon shook, hsprd, ≈quot;don't kno hat thy ar no.≈quot;

≈quot;I kno th old Duk Wn, hs daughtr Polly vry, vry good,≈quot; has n carfully atchng Vanssa Sr Donald suddnly opnng, hs ys as to lav th vast cty ntr lk that sharp, or vry artculat, ≈quot;ths as our forr qun thn falur.≈quot;

≈quot;My othr has thr chldrn,≈quot; Vanssa unprosng, ≈quot;ay not ach I alk ths dtour.≈quot;

≈quot;Ys, thr s a On's lf s uncrtan., On's hraouts s a ystry. Prncss Vanssa.≈quot; Donald sd of th knght hat th tu

l, ≈quot;thank you for rndng, sh and Ila, and ar all orshp you!≈quot;

≈quot;But no vn Polly - hgh Wn also dd,≈quot; Vanssa ddn't anag th knght of provocaton, to pull ack on topc. ≈quot;Sh s Ylya fr urnd alv th nvstnt!≈quot;

≈quot;Polly dd?≈quot; On sd of th Sr Cdrc's tongu at a Tu, h turnd to Donald sad, ≈quot;ut sh a vrtuous Lord ah, all th affars of th Lao Gao Wn n d lat Crscnt Cty ar sh tak car of vry ll organzd, sh rally dad? What xactly s th attr?≈quot;

≈quot;So, th dath of th portant prson s nough to caus your attnton?≈quot; Vanssa snrd. ≈quot;Sh caus rfusd to start huan go to th Colossu runs n sarch of Ylya doll, y sstr 'advsd' nto th urnng frood hap, slar such that thr ar stll qut a f popl to na plas lords toston to fnd thr on.≈quot;

≈quot;What do you ant to say, your hghnss?≈quot; Donald stoppd Vanssa sayng, ≈quot;your sstr s or than an vl?≈quot; Hs natly trd ard lt th prncss thnk of hr frst rcnary Colonl Orsr, qually sharp dgs and cornrs, also dos not yld th * styl, t ll a hard nut to crack.

≈quot;It's a pty!≈quot; Whn ncssary, th spch to jon so of th actng, th audnc ll fastr to accpt thr on. Vanssa trlng sound track, ≈quot;I a fourtn yars old lft th cty of ntr, as thron to th sand rdng country of th ny as a hostag, I hav xprncd hat s knon!≈quot; Indd, vn I do not kno, ut I kno I hav xprncd or trrl thng, ≈quot;Vanssa s sand rdng country aductd, s stll ssng, sh rcvd ho any ttr and concrnd aout ho s gong to? Wrong I lv Koan, gv th Nvrntr to hs rul, tn yar old Yfanya alon nt nto xl. In hr charactr and ho uch a dsplacd causd dstortons? ≈quot;

Th knght's ys asd(未完待续)
