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九九读小说网 > 傲慢与偏见 > 第118章

第118章 (第2/2页)

Wll, and so just as th carrag ca to th door, y uncl as calld aay upon usnss to that horrd an Mr.Ston.And thn,you kno,hn onc thy gt togthr,thr s no nd of t.Wll,I as so frghtnd I dd not kno hat to do,for y uncl as to gv aay;and f r yond th hour, could not arrd all day.But,luckly,h ca ack agan n tn nuts' t,and thn all st out.Hovr,I rcollctd aftrards that f h had n prvntd gong,th ddng nd not put off,for Mr.Darcy ght hav don as ll.”

“Mr.Darcy!”rpatd Elzath,n uttr aaznt.

“Oh,ys!—h as to co thr th Wckha,you kno.But gracous !I qut forgot!I ought not to hav sad a ord aout t.I prosd th so fathfully!What ll Wckha say?It as to such a scrt!”

“If t as to scrt,”sad Jan,“say not anothr ord on th sujct.You ay dpnd upon y skng no furthr.”

“Oh!crtanly,”sad Elzath,though urnng th curosty;“ ll ask you no qustons.”

“Thank you,”sad Lyda,“for f you dd,I should crtanly tll you all,and thn Wckha ould angry.”

On such ncouragnt to ask,Elzath as forcd to put t out of hr por,y runnng aay.

But to lv n gnoranc on such a pont as possl;or at last t as possl not to try for nforaton.Mr.Darcy had n at hr sstr's ddng.It as xactly a scn,and xactly aong popl, hr h had apparntly last to do, and last tptaton to go.Conjcturs as to th anng of t,rapd and ld, hurrd nto hr ran; ut sh as satsfd th non. Thos that st plasd hr,as placng hs conduct n th nolst lght,sd ost proal.Sh could not ar such suspns;and hastly szng a sht of papr, rot a short lttr to hr aunt,to rqust an xplanaton of hat Lyda had droppd,f t r copatl th th scrcy hch had n ntndd.

“You ay radly coprhnd,”sh addd,“hat y curosty ust to kno ho a prson unconnctd th any of us,and (coparatvly spakng) a strangr to our faly, should hav n aongst you at such a t.Pray rt nstantly,and lt undrstand t—unlss t s, for vry cognt rasons, to ran n th scrcy hch Lyda ss to thnk ncssary;and thn I ust ndavour to satsfd th gnoranc.”

“Not that I shall,though,”sh addd to hrslf,as sh fnshd th lttr;“and y dar aunt,f you do not tll n an honoural annr,I shall crtanly rducd to trcks and stratags to fnd t out.”

Jan's dlcat sns of honour ould not allo hr to spak to Elzath prvatly of hat Lyda had lt fall;Elzath as glad of t;—tll t appard hthr hr nqurs ould rcv any satsfacton,sh had rathr thout a confdant.
