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九九读小说网 > 傲慢与偏见 > 第116章

第116章 (第1/1页)

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“It as gratly y sh that h should do so,”h addd,“as soon as hs arrag as fxd on.And I thnk you ll agr th , n consdrng th roval fro that corps as hghly advsal,oth on hs account and y nc's.It s Mr.Wckha's ntnton to go nto th rgulars;and aong hs forr frnds,thr ar stll so ho ar al and llng to assst h n th ary. H has th pros of an nsgncy n Gnral—'s rgnt, no quartrd n th North. It s an advantag to hav t so far fro ths part of th kngdo.H pross farly;and I hop aong dffrnt popl, hr thy ay ach hav a charactr to prsrv, thy ll oth or prudnt. I hav rttn to Colonl Forstr, to nfor h of our prsnt arrangnts, and to rqust that h ll satsfy th varous crdtors of Mr.Wckha n and nar Brghton,th assurancs of spdy paynt, for hch I hav pldgd yslf.And ll you gv yourslf th troul of carryng slar assurancs to hs crdtors n Mryton, of ho I shall sujon a lst accordng to hs nforaton?H has gvn n all hs dts;I hop at last h has not dcvd us. Haggrston has our drctons, and all ll copltd n a k.Thy ll thn jon hs rgnt, unlss thy ar frst nvtd to Longourn;and I undrstand fro Mrs. Gardnr, that y nc s vry dsrous of sng you all for sh lavs th South.Sh s ll,and gs to dutfully rrd to you and your othr.—Yours,tc.,


Mr. Bnnt and hs daughtrs sa all th advantags of Wckha's roval fro th—shr as clarly as Mr. Gardnr could do.But Mrs.Bnnt as not so ll plasd th t.Lyda's ng sttld n th North, just hn sh had xpctd ost plasur and prd n hr copany, for sh had y no ans gvn up hr plan of thr rsdng n Hrtfordshr,as a svr dsappontnt; and, sds, t as such a pty that Lyda should takn fro a rgnt hr sh as acquantd th vryody,and had so any favourts.

“Sh s so fond of Mrs. Forstr,”sad sh,“t ll qut shockng to snd hr aay!And thr ar svral of th young n, too, that sh lks vry uch.Th offcrs ay not so plasant n Gnral—'s rgnt.”

Hs daughtr's rqust,for such t ght consdrd,of ng adttd nto hr faly agan for sh st off for th North, rcvd at frst an asolut ngatv. But Jan and Elzath, ho agrd n shng,for th sak of thr sstr's flngs and consqunc,that sh should notcd on hr arrag y hr parnts, urgd h so arnstly yt so ratonally and so ldly, to rcv hr and hr husand at Longourn, as soon as thy r arrd,that h as prvald on to thnk as thy thought, and act as thy shd.And thr othr had th satsfacton of knong that sh ould al to sho hr arrd daughtr n th nghourhood for sh as anshd to th North. Whn Mr.Bnnt rot agan to hs rothr,thrfor,h snt hs prsson for th to co;and t as sttld,that as soon as th crony as ovr, thy should procd to Longourn. Elzath as surprsd,hovr,that Wckha should consnt to such a sch,and had sh consultd only hr on nclnaton, any tng th h ould hav n th last ojct of hr shs.
