第103章 (第1/2页)
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“Whn I consdr,”sh addd n a yt or agtatd voc,“that I ght hav prvntd t!I,ho kn hat h as.Had I ut xpland so part of t only—so part of hat I larnt,to y on faly!Had hs charactr n knon,ths could not hav happnd.But t s all—all too lat no.”
“I a grvd ndd,”crd Darcy;“grvd—shockd.But s t crtan—asolutly crtan?”
“Oh, ys!Thy lft Brghton togthr on Sunday nght, and r tracd alost to London,ut not yond;thy ar crtanly not gon to Scotland.”
“And hat has n don,hat has n attptd,to rcovr hr?”
“My fathr has gon to London,and Jan has rttn to g y uncl's dat assstanc;and shall off,I hop,n half-an-hour.But nothng can don—I kno vry ll that nothng can don.Ho s such a an to orkd on?Ho ar thy vn to dscovrd?I hav not th sallst hop.It s vry ay horrl!”
Darcy shook hs had n slnt acquscnc.