第100章 (第2/2页)
“For y on part,”sh rjond,“I ust confss that I nvr could s any auty n hr.Hr fac s too thn;hr coplxon has no rllancy;and hr faturs ar not at all handso.Hr nos ants charactr—thr s nothng arkd n ts lns.Hr tth ar tolral, ut not out of th coon ay; and as for hr ys,hch hav sots n calld so fn,I could nvr s anythng xtraordnary n th.Thy hav a sharp,shrsh look,hch I do not lk at all;and n hr ar altogthr,thr s a slf-suffcncy thout fashon,hch s ntolral.”
Prsuadd as Mss Bngly as that Darcy adrd Elzath, ths as not th st thod of rcondng hrslf; ut angry popl ar not alays s;and n sng h at last look sohat nttld,sh had all th succss sh xpctd.H as rsolutly slnt,hovr,and,fro a dtrnaton of akng h spak,sh contnud:
“I rr, hn frst kn hr n Hrtfordshr, ho aazd all r to fnd that sh as a rputd auty;and I partcularly rcollct your sayng on nght,aftr thy had n dnng at Nthrfld,'sh a auty!—I should as soon call hr othr a t.'But aftrards sh sd to prov on you,and I lv you thought hr rathr prtty at on t.”
“Ys,”rpld Darcy,ho could contan hslf no longr,“ut that as only hn I frst sa hr, for t s any onths snc I hav consdrd hr as on of th handsost on of y acquantanc.”
H thn nt aay, and Mss Bngly as lft to all th satsfacton of havng forcd h to say hat gav no on any pan ut hrslf.
Mrs. Gardnr and Elzath talkd of all that had occurrd durng thr vst,as thy rturnd,xcpt hat had partcularly ntrstd th oth.Th look and havour of vryody thy had sn r dscussd, xcpt of th prson ho had ostly ngagd thr attnton.Thy talkd of hs sstr, hs frnds, hs hous, hs frut—of vrythng ut hslf; yt Elzath as longng to kno hat Mrs. Gardnr thought of h, and Mrs. Gardnr ould hav n hghly gratfd y hr nc's gnnng th sujct.