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九九读小说网 > 傲慢与偏见 > 第93章

第93章 (第1/1页)

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Sh had nstnctvly turnd aay;ut stoppng on hs approach, rcvd hs coplnts th an arrassnt possl to ovrco. Had hs frst apparanc, or hs rslanc to th pctur thy had just n xanng, n nsuffcnt to assur th othr to that thy no sa Mr.Darcy,th gardnr's xprsson of surprs,on holdng hs astr,ust datly hav told t.Thy stood a lttl aloof hl h as talkng to thr nc,ho,astonshd and confusd,scarcly dard lft hr ys to hs fac, and kn not hat ansr sh rturnd to hs cvl nqurs aftr hr faly.Aazd at th altraton of hs annr snc thy last partd,vry sntnc that h uttrd as ncrasng hr arrassnt;and vry da of th proprty of hr ng found thr rcurrng to hr nd,th f nuts n hch thy contnud r so of th ost uncofortal n hr lf.Nor dd h s uch or at as;hn h spok, hs accnt had non of ts usual sdatnss;and h rpatd hs nqurs as to th t of hr havng lft Longourn,and of hr stayng n Dryshr,so oftn,and n so hurrd a ay,as planly spok th dstracton of hs thoughts.

At lngth vry da sd to fal h; and, aftr standng a f onts thout sayng a ord, h suddnly rcollctd hslf,and took lav.

Th othrs thn jond hr, and xprssd adraton of hs fgur;ut Elzath hard not a ord,and holly ngrossd y hr on flngs,follod th n slnc.Sh as ovrpord y sha and vxaton. Hr cong thr as th ost unfortunat,th ost ll-judgd thng n th orld!Ho strang t ust appar to h! In hat a dsgracful lght ght t not strk so van a an!It ght s as f sh had purposly thron hrslf n hs ay agan! Oh! hy dd h co? Or, hy dd h thus co a day for h as xpctd?Had thy n only tn nuts soonr, thy should hav n yond th rach of hs dscrnaton;for t as plan that h as that ont arrvd—that ont alghtd fro hs hors or hs carrag.Sh lushd agan and agan ovr th prvrsnss of th tng.And hs havour, so strkngly altrd—hat could t an?That h should vn spak to hr as aazng!—ut to spak th such cvlty,to nqur aftr hr faly!Nvr n hr lf had sh sn hs annrs so lttl dgnfd,nvr had h spokn th such gntlnss as on ths unxpctd tng.What a contrast dd t offr to hs last addrss n Rosngs Park,hn h put hs lttr nto hr hand! Sh kn not hat to thnk,or ho to account for t.

Thy had no ntrd a autful alk y th sd of th atr, and vry stp as rngng forard a nolr fall of ground, or a fnr rach of th oods to hch thy r approachng;ut t as so t for Elzath as snsl of any of t;and, though sh ansrd chancally to th rpatd appals of hr uncl and aunt, and sd to drct hr ys to such ojcts as thy pontd out,sh dstngushd no part of th scn.Hr thoughts r all fxd on that on spot of Prly Hous, hchvr t ght , hr Mr. Darcy thn as. Sh longd to kno hat at th ont as passng n hs nd—n hat annr h thought of hr,and hthr,n dfanc of vrythng, sh as stll dar to h.Prhaps h had n cvl only caus h flt hslf at as;yt thr had n that n hs voc hch as not lk as.Whthr h had flt or of pan or of plasur n sng hr,sh could not tll,ut h crtanly had not sn hr th coposur.

At lngth, hovr, th rarks of hr copanons on hr asnc of nd arousd hr, and sh flt th ncssty of apparng or lk hrslf.
