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九九读小说网 > 傲慢与偏见 > 第88章

第88章 (第1/2页)

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On th vry last day of th rgnt's ranng at Mryton, h dnd,th othr of th offcrs,at Longourn;and so lttl as Elzath dsposd to part fro h n good huour,that on hs akng so nqury as to th annr n hch hr t had passd at Hunsford,sh ntond Colonl Ftzlla's and Mr. Darcy's havng oth spnt thr ks at Rosngs,and askd h, f h as acquantd th th forr.

H lookd surprsd,dsplasd,alard;ut th a ont's rcollcton and a rturnng sl,rpld,that h had forrly sn h oftn;and,aftr osrvng that h as a vry gntlanlk an,askd hr ho sh had lkd h.Hr ansr as arly n hs favour.Wth an ar of ndffrnc,h soon aftrards addd:

“Ho long dd you say h as at Rosngs?”

“Narly thr ks.”

“And you sa h frquntly?”

“Ys,alost vry day.”

“Hs annrs ar vry dffrnt fro hs cousn's.”

“Ys, vry dffrnt. But I thnk Mr. Darcy provs upon acquantanc.”
