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九九读小说网 > 傲慢与偏见 > 第75章

第75章 (第1/1页)

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“Mr.Wckha s th son of a vry rspctal an, ho had for any yars th anagnt of all th Prly stats,and hos good conduct n th dscharg of hs trust naturally nclnd y fathr to of srvc to h;and on Gorg Wckha,ho as hs godson,hs kndnss as thrfor lrally stod.My fathr supportd h at school,and aftrards at Cardg—ost portant assstanc, as hs on fathr, alays poor fro th xtravaganc of hs f, ould hav n unal to gv h a gntlan's ducaton. My fathr as not only fond of ths young an's socty, hos annrs r alays ngagng;h had also th hghst opnon of h, and hopng th church ould hs profsson,ntndd to provd for h n t.As for yslf,t s any,any yars snc I frst gan to thnk of h n a vry dffrnt annr.Th vcous propnsts—th ant of prncpl,hch h as carful to guard fro th knoldg of hs st frnd,could not scap th osrvaton of a young an of narly th sa ag th hslf,and ho had opportunts of sng h n unguardd onts,hch Mr.Darcy could not hav.Hr agan I shall gv you pan—to hat dgr you only can tll.But hatvr ay th sntnts hch Mr.Wckha has cratd,a suspcon of thr natur shall not prvnt fro unfoldng hs ral charactr—t adds vn anothr otv.
